Friday, April 3, 2009

sympathy vote

Do I blog about it I thought, my traumatic (for me) day today, Mrs owner seemed to get confused she went to a play at school, then came home & wrapped presents, I wanted to shout it's not Christmas! Then after I am snoozing the number of children in the house more than doubles, oh my, they moved my entire tortoise village to another room (for safety & noise they said) I was feeling sorry for me, then made myself laugh if I blog about it does it look like I am after the sympathy vote given I have waffled on ever so slightly recently about votes!

Go to link below, click on blue VOTE tab, then put part 2 in search box, click to search, thumbnail result should be Barclaycard waterslide part 2, last couple of days to vote, you can vote everyday, we would so love to win! Thank you x

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