Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Tonight I have been twittering after a day in the garden (fasciinating film of me running round on grass to follow) I have been conversing with a published author & didn't know it! He is @Jessicastrust on twitter http://twitter.com/jessicastrust

His website http://www.jessicastrust.org.uk/

And his book, if I had published a book I'd be twittering every minute about it! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1905264283?ie=UTF8&tag=jessistrust-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1905264283

Truly inspirational in my opinion, to try & change things for others after such an immnese loss for him, their children and everyone...

1 comment:

SnarlyBoodle said...

This is a great testimonial to Jessica, and you're a good tortoise to spread the word.