Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Face it... and pancake day

Somebody who shall remain nameless (for now) wanted to see me, I hope the pic below will help with that...

I heard a lot of talk today about pancake tortoises, if you don't know what I mean imagine a rather squashed looking tortoise & ta-dah you have seen one. I thought they were heading for the frying pan, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huge sign of relief when I realised that the tortoise is named AFTER the pancake, that makes sense now :o)

My owner isn't very happy today, she has an operation tomorrow, nothing major but still enough to worry her, I may be a bit quiet for a few hours tomorrow if she takes my net book, how else will I type in her absence? It's a worry...

Also if you haven't voted there is still time left

http://www.lgloop.com/images/2819 register with email, click on activation link & voila!

Speak soon no doubt


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice looking tortoise...mama loves tortoises and I do too! Wish mama well tomorrow
Honeybell the cat mol

Shiva Charas said...

handsome fellow! very old school, traditional suit appreciated. hate the new streamlined stuff for those young tortoises in a rush, prefer stately stuff.